Copyright information

Many of our learning sets are based on non-fiction books, websites, and videos that are copyrighted. Referencing or embedding this content does not constitute copyright infringement.

In our learning sets, we use unique language that allows users to learn the content as easily as possible. Furthermore, content is also expanded, screened out, or restructured, even if it is based on non-fiction books, websites, or videos. Often, our learning sets also include independent and coherent texts in the learning coach. That is why our learning sets are original works, which in turn are subject to copyright.

Publishers, authors, bloggers, and content creators benefit from our learning sets because customers use their original works to best understand the content of the learning sets. Learning sets and non-fiction books / videos / websites complement each other perfectly: the best way to learn the learning sets is to have read the corresponding non-fiction book or websites beforehand, or to have watched the videos.

We also work with authors, bloggers and content creators. Corresponding learning sets indicate this in their description.

The creators of our learning sets receive a revenue share, so they benefit financially from our satisfied customers. We are continuously expanding our range of learning sets. Therefore, we are always looking for partners who create learning sets - whether through their own works or through the works of third parties.

We also have the option of letting authors and content creators share in the revenue when learning sets are sold, which benefits both sides.

With Learnaxy, we give users the opportunity to learn and retain all information from the relevant media and on a topic. Learnaxy also offers you the opportunity to draw the attention of potential readers or viewers to your works and thus win them over. Contact us! We will be happy to create learning sets for your works.